Recently, while sharing my heart and some yummy coffee*** with my dear friend Tracy Swan at Starbucks, I shared that I was feeling overwhelmed at the speed at which Summer was coming to a close.
I shared with her that there would NEVER be enough time to complete all the super cool things on my Summer Projects list.
Yes, I have a Summer Projects list filed in Outlook, categorized by both Linda and Summer...coded with a due date of August 1. Why August 1, when school doesn't start until August 25? Well, to give me some breathing room, silly!!
Now THAT'S FUNNY!!! Breathing room?? Truth is, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to breathing room. I seem to have 2 speeds: 110 mph in a 25 mph zone... or... sound asleep.
So dear, cute, right-to-the-point-and-don't-you-love-that-about-her Tracy challenges me to live without lists.
WHAT?? NO LISTS?? But how would stuff get done?
"The right things will get done," Tracy said. "The things that don't get done were unimportant."
I sat there smiling and nodding and thinking, "Good Tracy. You just keep thinking that things will get done without lists and I'll keep looking for monkeys to fly..."
We finished our coffees, talked about LOADS of other things, shared our gratitude for each other (she's just plain awesome) and left.
But then, as with most Godly Wisdom, the perculating and marinating began. Living without lists. I thought about times when I felt too busy to even sit down and make a list...and things did get done. The important things did get done.
But not all lists are bad, are they?
So, I marinated some more about lists. I discovered there are good lists. They seem to fall into the checklist category. For example, I'll bet Tracy was pretty happy the pilot of her last airline flight followed a checklist! She wasn't asking him to live without lists. No way!!
I thought of our family packing list: the one that reminds me to pack the oil-free spray-on sunscreen when we go to Shaver Lake so my handsome, smile-will-light-up-the-room hubby isn't peeling like a lizard for weeks. Ew!
Then, I thought about grocery lists. I can honestly say that a grocery list organized by the Food4Less store layout and cross-referenced to weekly meal planning is a downright beautiful thing. It saves both time and money and that makes me feel good, not overwhelmed!
Aha! So maybe that's what Tracy's suggesting!!! I walk away from lists that contain optional nice-to-have tasks and projects that sound wonderful but, ultimately, leave me feeling overwhelmed. It appears that once these nice-to-haves are turned into a line-item on a list, they become a burden to my heart.
Today, I must complete paperwork for a brand new family that has volunteered to host a girl from Sweden. I need to drive to their home and complete the home interview. I don't need to put this on a list. I simply know it must be done today.
If I get some "free" time this afternoon, however, I would like to complete a page or two in my faithbook album. I have a personal goal to have that album up-to-date in 2008. This isn't on a list either. I just know I have this goal.
I also know I need to get a part-time hourly job; but I didn't visit Outlook and create a "Get a part-time hourly job" listing. It's just an important, need-to-be-working-on-it thing.
Okay. I think I'm seeing a pattern!! The 2x4 is making it's gentle connection with my head. And I love what my life feels like when I listen to Godly Wisdom. So, let's give it a try!!
***iced sugarfree cinnamon dolce breve latte, if you must know, what's yours?? No, I'm serious! Hit the comments button down below and tell me yours!!
Celebrating Life!
2 years ago