This morning I heard from God that there was a blog to write. I searched my heart and found some discontent in a couple of areas and wondered if I was to blog about that.
Then, I received an email from a wonderful woman and Crown Financial counselor that Derek and I had been blessed to visit. She saw our Christmas Card, saw that I had a new job, and wanted to know the juicy details.
As I was writing those juicy testimonial morsels to her in an email, I realized that the contentedness I feel in God as a Perfect Provider is the blog for today...not any dis-contentedness that might be distracting me.
Here's what I wrote to Kim:
God is so good; there must be better words to use to praise Him!
You’ll remember that when we met with you last Summer we had a gap in our budget. We had removed the "wants" focusing only on the "needs". In order to honor God, we needed more dependable income to cover our necessary expenses.
We reviewed. You offered wise counsel. We listened and we prayed.
And not even 7 days later the elementary school called out-of-the-blue to offer me a playground monitor job. You’ll also remember that I had been very honest and open about not liking other people’s children. I thought that the offer from the school was a joke or worse: temptation from the enemy to put myself in the worst possible job where I would waste away angry and bitter.
But after doing the math and knowing that this was God making the offer and not really the school, I reluctantly took the job. Remember when I told you, “Kim, you said that the Lord had something BIG for me working in ministry that pays. How could this job at the school have anything to do with that?” At the time, you laughed and agreed that this was DEFINITELY the Lord and I should say, "Yes!" and get to work.
I hated the heat. I hated the cold. But a love grew in my heart for those kids that my body didn’t even have room for. When the year was over, I thought sure I would return.
But then, summer was hard (no paycheck for a school worker). And then the economy took a turn. With the rising gas prices and food costs, the gap in our budget got larger. The job at the school was no longer going to fill that gap.
We prayed again and I began looking for work at supermarkets and banks. But no one called.
Then, New Harvest Church posted an opening for a job in Children’s Ministry. The job was 14 hours per week and didn't involve interacting with the kids directly; but instead involved providing all the necessary supplies for the small group leaders to do what they are gifted to do. It also involved maintaining the computer system that tracks attendance and provides data for the church to use...and finally it involved maintaining a team of greeters that welcomes first time families and helps them enroll and get settled into worship as their children are blessed in small group environments. WOW! It was perfect!
Now, I have to confess: If God hadn’t softened my heart on that Copper Hills playground, I NEVER have considered answering an ad for a Children’s Ministry job. I would’ve said, “Not for me! No way!!” and kept looking. I see God’s perfect hand in what’s called his Prevenient Grace in every step of this journey.
I started at New Harvest Church in August, grateful for good and challenging work.
Then, at the beginning of November, the gap in our budget enlarged again. Why I didn’t trust God completely and immediately, I don’t know. I’m an idiot! I panicked. I began thinking once again about trying to fix the gap with my human solutions. Maybe ANOTHER part-time job?
I'm grateful for a God that wastes no time in showing me that my human solutions are pathetic. No kidding…I panicked on a Monday. And on the Wednesday of that same week, a member of our staff surprisingly resigned so she could be at her son’s Sunday soccer games. I was sad, shocked and worried about who would replace her. Then, instead of replacing her, our management asked if I would consider having my job duties enlarged and my hours increased to 20 per week!!!! I still make my own schedule and I’m waiting outside each of my children’s schools when the bell rings.
God is Jehovah Jireh. He IS.
I worried that working at a church would tarnish my ability to worship God and I have found the opposite at New Harvest. My worship is richer and the integrity is inspiring me to be a better Christ follower every day.
I thank God for that night in your kitchen for your wise Godly counsel. I thank God for YOU and you storming The Throne on our family’s behalf and being SO IN TOUCH with the Lord that you spoke prophetic words into my life. What I'm working on IS BIG. The curriculum we are using and the strategy and philosophy align with Jesus’ heart more than anything I’ve ever seen and I’m excited each day to be a part of it.
I worry a little about the coming summer. How will I structure my hours and my kids' time while I work? But, silly me! I know God has provided everything before I even know to need it or ask. So, I’m DONE borrowing trouble that is not mine.
Celebrating Life!
2 years ago