Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I'm seeing a theme among the things that I care enough to share about. I think the thing I care most about (both because of my personal history and my current observations) is true freedom and how the world is shaping a lie about what makes us free. And I care that people know that they can CHOOSE freedom. But it's an everyday choice. Every morning, we must choose it.

On a rare, good and wonderful day, free of worldly gunk, I can embrace my life as the life of an adopted princess. While growing up, and into my adult life, I made some really horrible choices. Then, this King comes and redeems me.

I seem to have a built-in sensitivity to hearing people use words that are not easily understood by all. Maybe it's my background in journalism? Redeem is one of those words that I've sung in songs; but for a while didn't understand at all.

So, what's redeeming all about? Why is it important? Why do we sing about it?

Dictionary.com shares the definition I've heard most everywhere. And it's a definition associated with coupons: to exchange (bonds, trading stamps, coupons, etc.) for money or goods. Sounds like a trade, and it is. At Dictionary.com that's definition number 4. But the definition I needed to gain a complete understanding was definition number 8: to obtain the release or restoration of, as from captivity, by paying a ransom.

Okay! Now we're getting somewhere. Think about it: I've made horrible choices that land me in the worst kind of slavery. At best, I become a slave to lies and manipulation and perfection-chasing and I'm exhausted! I've messed up my life and many other lives and I'm standing on this metaphorical slave-for-sale platform hoping deep inside that a prince will ride in on a white horse*** and find me worthy of his attention; but I know, as I look back on my choices, that I deserve to be a lowly slave.

So, the best I can do is wonder who or what will be my next master.

What happens, instead, I can hardly believe. A KING walks in and pays a rich ransom to the slave-trader and now I belong to a KING! AND, when I ask the KING what I can do (in this new role as one of his lowly slaves) he tells me that, instead, he's adopting me as his daughter and all he wants is for me to behave as his daughter. WOWEEEEE!! BLISS!!

Except...WHAT?...I have NO CLUE how to behave as the daughter of a KING!! And in fitting style, I don't relax and just enjoy it. No!! I run around trying to figure it all out...trying to find out, without asking, what the KING might like from me. I wonder what will impress him? I worry that I will embarass him. And like a little wind-up toy running around and bouncing off walls, I find myself doing everything hopelessly lame...feeling dumb. And every day, I hear temptation calling to me from beyond the KING'S walls...telling me a lie: that life is easier outside of the KINGDOM and surely I'll have fun and be fully accepted and worry free out there.

Yes, I even sneak away a few times. But, being undeservedly blessed with new glasses from the KING, I see the lie right away.

Easy is NOT what's most rewarding. That's the lie. What the world calls "easy" brings a quick fire-cracker style glimmer of fun, but no joy. What's the difference between fun and joy? Here's my word-picture: Fun is like sitting in front of a fan when it's 100 degrees outside. Ahhh...it feels really good...better than standing in the hot sun for sure...but walk away from the fan and you begin to sweat and you get...well, if you're me, you get pretty crabby! So, you find yourself enslaved to the feel-good fan. Get it?

Joy, on the other hand, is like moving yourself to the beach where it's cool all the time no matter where you go and you're free to walk on the beach and dip your toes in the water and invite friends to play...joy! Wonderful, eternal, cool and soul-soothing surroundings.

Gratefully, my KING (and he's your KING, too) is so patient. He watches my wind-up toy antics and just lovingly waits for me to come back and relax and be loved, free, protected, cared-for, doted-on. You get it now, don't you!!

Your adoption papers are already inked!!

**If you've always wondered why all the great storytellers use a picture of a hero riding in on a white horse to save the day, please know that it's not derived from some Western movie with John Wayne, check out Rev 19:11 and enjoy THAT picture of your future!!

1 comment:

Swan Man said...

As usual, you've said it all so well!