Thursday, September 4, 2008

Life Imitating Word

Did you see the new quote in the title bar...over there on the left? I love it!! It's the new honorary sub-title of this blog: "Taking us out of the lecture and into the lab".

I think this quote speaks to me so completely (and I can't wait to read the book Captivating) because it describes EXACTLY how God teaches me the things I must know in my life.

And yes, it's worth saying right at the beginning today, that God is SO BIG he works differently in each of us based upon how He's created us. The reason I simply must stop to say this is: I don't want anyone out there to say, "I need to do things the way Linda does them." On the contrary!! I share what works in me in a hope that you might look inside you and see what works just for you.

Back to this topic, here's a tidbit that might shock you: I find reading the Bible only marginally interesting. Pretty "Ho hum" actually.

Yes, you read that right.

What I've discovered to be exciting beyond measure, however, is studying the Bible. Reading just one verse and then asking God to show me what's going on and how it relates specifically to my life.

Sometimes, when I ask this, I'll feel led to do more research on the words and their original Greek and Hebrew meaning. I know!! I'm a word geek!!! It's hopeless! I just get downright excited about the wisdom and meaning that are power-packed into those words.

But other times, God will show me something in my surroundings. And that picture, or moment "hits me like a 2 x 4" to teach me more about His meaning and desire for my life. And isn't that what we're all looking for anyway??

Case in point: HomeTown Buffet.

No, I'm not doing an advertisement for HomeTown Buffet; but I must say, this place is my son, Bryson's favorite restaurant. This kid never stops eating! I'm serious! I can't get the older ones to eat...and I can't get my 7-year-old to stop! So, there you go, HomeTown Buffet is his favorite.

During a recent time in my life, I was asking God for more information about the fruit of the Spirit as listed in Galatians 5: 22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Specifically, I remember asking why this fruit existed in such small and inconsistent amounts in my life.

I should share that, during this same time in my life, I was separately battling my hypoglycemia diet. I was once-again angry that the things I craved so intensely were the things that were making me SO tired, irritable and sick. Every book and every doctor said the same thing: more protein and complex carbs; fewer sugars and simple carbs.

And then came the "2 x 4 over the head". BAM!

I saw a very clear picture of someone holding a tray with a large plate on it, moving through the lines of a buffet.

Have you ever given any thought to the consistent design of any buffet line? Think about the stuff that's offered first and quickly: melon slices, gelatin in several colors, cottage cheese, potato salad, macaroni salad...
Let's explore the possibility that maybe life is like "pushing your tray" through a giant decades-long buffet line.

The picture I saw showed someone who, upon arriving at the buffet, filled their plate to overflowing with the high-carb, sugary, empty calorie foods that are offered at the beginning.

After sitting down and gorging themselves on what they had taken, there really wasn't any room for main dishes. So, they slapped a piece of fried chicken on the plate to justify dessert and then made a bee-line to the soft-serve ice cream and fudge sauce!

Uh, oh...[Camera angle change]...and...BAM! (there's that pesky 2 x 4 again) The person holding the tray is me!!

Derek often coaches me about the size of my "plate" and that I need to careful about what I put on it. When I say to him, "I want to start doing X..." He says, "Okay, what things will you remove from your plate so that you can do X?"

Hmmm....recurring metaphors about plates....Leaders trying to teach me despite my stubborn resistance....

And then God hit a home run with this word picture! His home run (His message to me in my life at this time) was this: If you want your life to overflow the fruit of the Spirit, you must say, "No thank you!" to those multi-colored gelatin, macaroni-salad kinds of temptations that come first and fast in the buffet line of your life. You must, instead, pass by what feels good in the short term, in order to have My best for your life.

Practical Example: Someone shares juicy gossip (green gelatin)? Say, "No, thank you!" and keep "pushing your tray" past it to the place where there's love and peace (broiled chicken and steamed asparagus).

Another example: Let's say someone hurts your feelings or even humiliates you? Will you put a heaping portion of angry rage (macaroni salad) on your tray...leaving no room on "your plate" for what will fill you most completely? No way!! Instead, you'll say, "No, thank you!" and keep "pushing your tray" to the place where the Spirit offers gentleness and self-control (grilled fish and green beans).

Here's another important tidbit: We must push our trays past the temptation, but NEVER past the precious person. It's the temptation we say, "No, thank you" to; NOT the person.

Using my mind and strength, saying, "No, thank you" to the potato chips and soda...and, "Yes, please" to the strawberries and tea, has brought the blessings of energy, ability to persevere and positive outlook.

In my heart and soul, saying, "No, thank you" to anger, jealous comparisons, perfectionism and gossip...and saying, "Yes, please" to love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, has brought...hmmm....would you look at that?! It's actually brought increased amounts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control to my life.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30


Erica Foster said...

Thanks Linda! I changed it! :)

Swan Man said...

But I really like the ice cream, with all the sugar-filled toppings, can't I just have one serving? OK, I get it, put the 2x4 down!